Post by iSamoora- Maghraby ❤ on Apr 18, 2007 0:24:55 GMT -5
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Post by egyptianprince- badreya hanem on Apr 18, 2007 0:27:45 GMT -5
this really sad allah yer7amhom
Post by iSamoora- Maghraby ❤ on Apr 18, 2007 0:28:48 GMT -5
This is a pic of the gunman that did this Cho Seung-Hui (pronounced Choh Suhng-whee), of Centreville, Va., a resident alien who immigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1992.
Post by iMemz <3 THE WINNER with 65% on Apr 18, 2007 0:33:32 GMT -5
Post by staracfannumberone on Apr 18, 2007 0:42:44 GMT -5
oh my gosh samoora, literally i just got the strongest chill go through me
at this SECOND i came on arasale to post in the lebanese section a thread with the EXACT SAME TITLE! IN FACT, I WROTE the same subject in the lebanon section (your exact same words) and then i closed it because i thought i might as well write it here in the star ac 4 section
it's horrendous, the fact that they are lebanese doesn't make the killings worse, but it certainly hits much closer to home
allah yer7amon...my mom told me that Amin Gemayel interrupted May Chidiac's show on LBC to send his condolences to the families
Post by staracfannumberone on Apr 18, 2007 0:45:01 GMT -5
Post by iMemz <3 THE WINNER with 65% on Apr 18, 2007 0:49:21 GMT -5
did they put in the news the letter of the killer?
omg they are putting now an interview with the killer's roommates
Post by iSamoora- Maghraby ❤ on Apr 18, 2007 0:52:15 GMT -5
awwwwwwww Karennnn well great minds think alike.. but honestly, this is soooooooooooooo sad!! and having innocent freshmen in the uni getting killed while studying is maybe the worst thing IN THE WORLD!! Here's some info on them that literally made me cry Reema Samaha, 18, from Centreville, Va., a freshman who also performed with the school's Contemporary Dance Ensemble. Her brother Omar, a Virginia Tech graduate, told NBC's TODAY show that she was shot dead while in French class. Their father, Joe Samaha, told "Dateline NBC" that "she was a beautiful person and that's what I'll remember her as. We've lost a very talented beautiful young lady who was growing here at the university. Her heart was in dance and theater and she belonged to a contemporary dance ensemble here and she loved that very much." Katerina Rodgaard, in a posting to MSNBC.com, said she had been a dance instructor to Samaha. "I will never forget her constant smile," she wrote. "So much positive energy. She was such a beautiful dancer as well. ... We were all like a family and she will be missed dearly. She loved being in dance class and I was so proud to hear that she continued her dancing in college. So young, so beautiful and so talented. I'm still in shock." Samaha had recently taken up belly dancing, a nod to her family’s roots in Lebanon, where the Samahas visited each summer. “She was just beautiful and when you watched her, I thought she was one of the most gorgeous girls in the world, inside and out,” said Lauren Walters, a former classmate of Samaha’s who now attends Clemson University Samaha and another victim, Erin Peterson, graduated from Westfield High in Chantilly, Va., in 2006, three years after the alleged gunman, Cho Seung-Hui, graduated from the same school. It was not clear if they knew each other. Here's a video for an interview with her family.. Interview with reema's siblingsRoss Abdallah Alameddine, 20, of Saugus, Mass. He was a sophomore English major who was gunned down in French class. Alameddine's mother, Lynnette Alameddine, said Tuesday that she was "trying to get through the day here." Alameddine was a graduate of Austin Preparatory School in Reading, Mass. Friends created a memorial page on Facebook.com that described Alameddine as "an intelligent, funny, easy going guy." "You're such an amazing kid, Ross," wrote Zach Allen, who also attended Austin Prep, according to his profile. "You always made me smile, and you always knew the right thing to do or say to cheer anyone up." Lynnette Alameddine said she was outraged by how the events were handled. "It happened in the morning and I did not hear (about Ross's death) until a quarter to 11 at night," she said. "That was outrageous. Two kids died, and then they shoot a whole bunch of them, including my son."
Post by iSamoora- Maghraby ❤ on Apr 18, 2007 0:53:30 GMT -5
did they put in the news the letter of the killer? omg they are putting now an interview with the killer's roommates Yes his letter was attacking rich kids and people who spend a lot of money and stuff.. He said that "el dagaleen" are the ones that motivated him to do this.. they also found a note near his dead body with similar things as in his letters..
Post by staracfannumberone on Apr 18, 2007 0:58:51 GMT -5
Here's also an interview that her father did with Dateline NBC, with video of her last performance at school www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18161367/It's so sad, the school didn't even inform them ... they found out through one of her friends
Post by iSamoora- Maghraby ❤ on Apr 18, 2007 1:03:37 GMT -5
Post by Daisy.. on Apr 18, 2007 1:07:09 GMT -5
Oh God allah yer7amhom
Post by iSamoora- Maghraby ❤ on Apr 18, 2007 1:09:41 GMT -5
Liviu Librescu, 76, an engineering science and mechanics lecturer. Born in Romania, he survived the Nazi Holocaust and emigrated to Israel in 1978 before moving to Virginia in 1985. An Israeli citizen, he had taught at Virginia Tech for 20 years and was internationally known for his work in aeronautical engineering. "His research has enabled better aircraft, superior composite materials, and more robust aerospace structures," said Ishwar Puri, the head of the engineering science and mechanics department. Librescu family via AP After surviving the Nazi killings, Librescu escaped from Communist Romania and made his way to the United States before he was killed in Monday’s massacre, which coincided with Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day. Librescu's son, Joe, said his father's students sent e-mails detailing how the professor saved their lives by blocking the doorway of his classroom from the approaching gunman before he was fatally shot. “My father blocked the doorway with his body and asked the students to flee,” Joe Librescu said from his home outside of Tel Aviv. “Students started opening windows and jumping out.” wowwwwww he tried to save the students ya 7arammm... allah yer7amooo
Post by iMemz <3 THE WINNER with 65% on Apr 18, 2007 1:10:45 GMT -5
Here's also an interview that her father did with Dateline NBC, with video of her last performance at school www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18161367/It's so sad, the school didn't even inform them ... they found out through one of her friends omgosh this is sooooooooo sad she was such a cute person allah yer7amhaaaa wi yer7amhom kollohom this is horrible!!!! they said there was a 2 hour delay between both shootings, and some students sent emails to each other warning them about a gunman in the building.. but honestly the school didn't even care to inform or make announcements.. not everything should be kept down low if they THINK they have the situation under control!!!! where was the security? ? when the gunman chained the doors to norris hallway?? then went into the hall and killed everyone he saw!!! AND PEOPLE IN CLASSES!! this is terrible guys!!! yesssssss it is horrible. I mean who on earth of these students in their classes would ever think that they may be killed in their class . today when i went to my classes i was thinking whats the difference between me and those who were killed in their classes. We all think that the class in the uni is one of the safest places and then what? they get killed in one second insited the class. OMG i still even can't IMAGINE the situation
Post by staracfannumberone on Apr 18, 2007 1:12:37 GMT -5
I was listening to the radio today and one commentator said something that was so interesting...these people had their whooooole lives ahead of them! they weren't bums or druggies or prostitutes (not to value one persons life over another) but they were doing some of the toughest work and had futures that were so bright. The African American RA that was shot first was a TRIPLE MAJOR and going to do his phd in psychology...this fact about how accomplished they were and how they were attending one of the most known schools in the US just adds to the trauama