Post by To Rima on Jun 24, 2004 16:49:50 GMT -5
ya Rima ma hada reyid ywatti w ysarssir bass haydi el ha2i2a, yalli bya3erfou lamitta men zgharta w mennoun ana mna3rif mnih w ktir ktir mnih aktar mannik mfakkra enna mech met3almi , iza baddik ma3loumet aktar kenit telmizi bi madrassi essma Nazarette Kferzayna , heda la ma3loumetik , kenit doublante w ijit 3ala el Nazarette w sa2atit el brevet w tel3it , ana rfi2ti kenit bi saffa w bta3refa ktirrrrrrrrr mnih w hatta enna jareta w nsadamit lamma sem3it enou lamitta 2 eme annee psycho, lech kel el banet alou bi aya jem3a ella lamitta ? ma hada ghachim ya rimaa abla gatalina frangieh alit enna 2 eme business , w haydi akzab w akzab , haydi wassalit la saf el 5eme , ma hada 3am bidayi3 la ben lamitta wala ben gatalina . hatta toula men 175 cm , 172 cm howi el mazbout , iza kamena ma ken kezib . ta kaffilik 3anna , wahidi 3ala chabben sekni bi kfarfo kada2 zgharta w bel batroun ...
Post by sydaust on Jun 24, 2004 18:10:23 GMT -5
I thought about Lamitta's height so often, she always did look much shorter and it never made any sense to me. Looks like miss innocent, isn't so innocent at all.. I was beginning to accept her towards the end, I thought to myself, why don't I give her a break.. But all along I knew something was fishy... and I should always trust my instincts because I was right from the beginning... She is a very good actress. She might not be studying psychology, but she must have gotten some good psychological pointers from a Dr before entering, because she thought she knew exactly how to act (quiet and supposedly miss perfect) to win the crown.. Too bad she didn't, her plan didn't go according to plan... And the way she walked off stage is an absolute disgrace.. I wonder what all of her fans thought of her then....
and u know guys, not only did Lamitta look 3-4cm shorter than Nadine and Sandra, I also think that Cynthia was taller than 175cm because if you compare her to Nadine, she always looked taller than she did. I have a feeling Cynthia is really about 176-178. However maybe because she is so thin she looked much taller, but I don't know it just seemed so unusual that she looked much taller than the other girls who were also 175cm. They are usually wearing the same heels, so it's a bit odd.. What do you guys think?
Post by JOJO on Jun 24, 2004 19:21:13 GMT -5
Post by RiK on Jun 24, 2004 19:26:55 GMT -5
hey whats up everyone? ;D I agree with what you guys are saying. We can tell for a fact that the heels the girls wear during the swimsuit are exactly the same, yet Lamita looks shorter. Some people are saying that the other girls wear higher heels. This is not true all the time but just think about the swimsuit when they all wear the same kinds of shoes, she is still shorter!
This is off the subject, but it just came to mind. it was sooo funny how Carine was going to strangle herself and kill herself when she was yelling and cheering on Lamita. Hey Carine, reality check!! Lamita probably doesn't even remember your name! ;D
Post by Zoro on Jun 25, 2004 2:09:24 GMT -5
helwi menkoun ya chabeb !
Post by Just me on Jun 25, 2004 4:48:52 GMT -5
Yea Rik very funny..Hope u'll know who i am! ;D
Post by RiK on Jun 25, 2004 5:13:36 GMT -5
hey just me... lol.. i know ur a big lamita fan but this is simply my opinion. it shouldn't change anything. anyways, what i'm saying, is simply what i'm seeing. have a good day
Post by LULU on Jun 25, 2004 7:04:06 GMT -5
uhmm....i always read messeges about lairs. this girl lie..and THEN others say " not only this girl "the others lie too! what's your point!! ya3nee bsho badkon ti2na3una?? perhaps this: "all lebanese ppl lie" ?
Post by THRUTH KILLS on Jun 25, 2004 15:49:22 GMT -5
Post by sandy on Jun 26, 2004 15:25:28 GMT -5
LOOOL lulu sure not all lebanse people lay!!! anyway everyone can make mistakes
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Post by nancy on Jun 26, 2004 16:03:22 GMT -5
i just wanna say one thing...im nadine & lamitta's fan & let me tell u one thing...u people r the worst i ever met...u have no morals...u know when we talk about freedom of speech, we mean that a person should have the right to express his opinion without fear, or without someone to stop him (something all of u in the arab countries dont have, & please dont deny that & make me laugh). & since u dont enjoy having this right, u dont know how to express urself...freedom of man stops when it starts hurting someone else, & thats what all of u r doing here. how did lamitta hurt u when she lied about her height or her education??? (if she really did) i bet u people never lied in ur whole lives...oh what an angels....u people r group with lack of morals...shame on u...the girl is not miss lebanon & ur conversation here is meaningless just like all of u...its over, nadine is miss lebanon & she's great, she deserves it, she has beauty & cleverness...so just if like her then support her & leave the other girls alone to live their lives & stop this stupid subject...u always look at the bad side of things??? if so then i hope god will help u since u wont live long..forget people its over, let people live thier lives & live urs too
Post by From Zoro to nancy on Jun 26, 2004 16:16:06 GMT -5
ya nancy ana bhanniki 3ala falsafetik . 3am bibarmou 3ala khalifi la aresstou w aflaton ... iza bet2admi talab akid rah terbahi .. rah a3tiki essem kteb helou badel el madina el fadila mensammi el kteb : falsafet nancy el fadila ana rah sawetlik !! ;D ;D ;D
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Post by nancy on Jun 26, 2004 16:33:45 GMT -5
sa7i7 ink insan tafeh...ana 3'litet lma nazalet mn mostaway w7aket m3 nas zai shkalak fakaret ino momken ykon 3nda nitfit 3a2el, bs khalas bs shoftk t2kdt inko kol 3omerko l3arab ra7 tib2o sha3eb gahel wbt2damesh wfish 3ndko shwayit insaniyi...7ram adawe3 wa2ti 3la tafeh zayak....wsade2ni iza bbda ad7k 3la habalak mn liom la bokra bkhlasesh bs 7ram ana albi tayeb w inta habali...fa inshalah 3n arib asm3 ino alah shifi2 3lek wtzakar ino lma waza3 l32oul konet inti akher wa7ad wa2ef wlsaf iza konet wa2ef asln...yalla allah yishfik 7bibi...
Post by From Zoro to nancy on Jun 26, 2004 17:10:57 GMT -5
nancy ma t3assbi ktir ma byesswa la sehtik .... ;D ana ma eli jledi redd 3alayki .
Post by Zoro on Jun 27, 2004 13:08:37 GMT -5
still angry nancy ?