Post by Janjoon-Lebanese on May 21, 2007 6:01:32 GMT -5
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Post by Janjoon-Lebanese on May 21, 2007 6:02:24 GMT -5
Post by maxell on May 21, 2007 6:52:15 GMT -5
Thanks Janjoon
Huge Explosion Rocks Ashrafiyeh, Killing 1, Wounding 12
A huge explosion near the busy ABC shopping mall in Beirut's Ashrafiyeh neighborhood shortly before midnight killed an elderly woman and wounded 11 other people, police said. The 11:50 p.m. blast shook thousands of sleeping Ashrafiyeh residents out of bed, many hurrying down the street to take stock of the damage.
Police said the bomb, which weighed about 15 kilograms, was believed to have been placed underneath a car in a parking lot adjacent to ABC, which also has restaurants and movie theaters that operated late, particularly on Sunday. They identified the woman as Leila Moqbel, 63. She was killed when the wall in her apartment collapsed on her from the impact of the blast which was heard across the city and surrounding hills.
Thick black smoke billowed from the scene of the bombing as firefighters battled the blaze.
Police and army troops cordoned off the area as ambulances and civil defense volunteers rushed to evacuate the casualties.
Beirut and surrounding suburbs have seen a series of explosions in the last two years, particularly targeting Christian areas in which the pro-government majority coalition has blamed on Syria.
The bomb caused a crater 1.5 meters deep and 3 meters wide in the road, and police officials said the explosives.
The blast started fires in parked vehicles and shattered car, shop and apartment windows. Other vehicles were collapsed from the impact of the explosion.
TV footage showed Red Cross workers helping an elderly man, whose head was wrapped in blood-soaked bandages. A woman in her night gown was being carried by a companion, in his pajamas.
ABC owner, Robert Abu Fadel, said he was expecting "this kind of thing," pointing to extra security measures the mall and other businesses have taken in recent months.
"For sure this will affect us in part, but we've been through more difficult times," he told LBC as he examined the blast site overnight. "But God is the Almighty. We will rebuild."
The most prominent recent deadly attack in Beirut was the near simultaneously bombings of commuter buses in the Christian heartland that killed three people on Feb. 13.
The same militant group in Sunday's Tripoli clashes, Fatah al-Islam, was blamed by authorities for the bus bombings, an accusation they have denied.
Sunday's explosion, the fourth in Ashrafiyeh in the last two years, also came as the U.N. Security Council is considering a draft resolution to impose the international tribunal in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri after the pro-Syrian opposition led by Hizbullah failed to agree on approving it in Beirut.
A U.N. investigation into the 2005 assassination also has been expanded to include the series of bombings anti-Syrian groups blame on Syria.
Syria has denied involvement in Hariri's death and the other explosions, but Damascus was forced to withdraw its army from Lebanon after a 29-year presence two months after the assassination.
Cabinet minister Pierre Pharaon, whose constituency includes Ashrafiyeh, said the explosion aimed at showing that the approval of the international court would coincide with attempts to undermine Lebanon's security.(Naharnet-AP) Beirut, 21 May 07, 06:53
Post by Fatima on May 21, 2007 7:04:41 GMT -5
FUKC!!!sorry, but I'm so MAD!
Post by Vivo - Ramadan Mubarak on May 21, 2007 7:29:44 GMT -5
thanks guys 4 keepin us updated!
Post by Janjoon-Lebanese on May 21, 2007 7:53:02 GMT -5
Post by maxell on May 21, 2007 10:06:48 GMT -5
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